Changer Services President Mark Stolley announced today, the Ben Boor has been appointed West Division Sales Director for the U.S.A. Stolley said, “Ben has spent the majority of his career in the vending and bottling industry and has been an outstanding member of the Changer Services family. His previous position with us was Mid-Central Regional Manager. His new responsibilities will include managing four regional managers and their respective territories including partners in the western U.S. plus LA, MS, KY, and IL.”
Stolley went on to say, “Ben and his wife live in Ames, IA and he’s going to use that as his base of operations…we are excited about this new opportunity for Ben and our team.”
Changer Services is one of the nation’s leading repair/remanufacturing centers for coin mechanisms, bill validators and control boards. They are headquartered in St Paul, MN; more can be learned at Mark Stolley can be reached at 651-405-0959.