Changer Services

Mendota Heights, MN 55120


About Changer Services


2339 Waters Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
United States
(651) 405-0959
(651) 405-0947

More Info on Changer Services

Changerservices 10108566

Changer Services (CSI) is the complete "one stop" resource for all of your vending support
requirements. CSI is a Premier Factory Authorized service center for MEI/Conlux, and control
board factory support center for Rowe, Automatic Products, Crane National Vendors, Dixie
Narco, Vendo and GPL. Changer Services repairs more manufacturers' coin mechs, bill
validators and control boards than any other repair service center. If it accepts money CSI can
repair it.
All of CSI technicians are electronics specialists and trained by the major equipment
manufacturers. CSI covers the USA with Regional Sales Managers and a free freight program
(in/out) for unparalled service.
CSI also offers a complete range of remanufactured equipment that carries an industry leading

Articles & News

David Lockrow 59551bdf7e21a

Changer Services Names David Lockrow Mid-Atlantic Sales Manager

June 29, 2017
Changer Services President Mark Stolley announced today, David Lockrow has been appointed MidAtlantic Sales Manager. Stolley said, “David will replace the retiring industry veteran...
Ben Boor 589caf1768029

Changer Services names Ben Boor West Division Sales Director

Feb. 9, 2017
Changer Services President Mark Stolley announced today, the Ben Boor has been appointed West Division Sales Director for the U.S.A. Stolley said, “Ben has spent the majority ...
Terry Schopfer 551430599aa43

Changer Services Names Terry Schopfer South Sales Manager

March 26, 2015
Changer Services President Mark Stolley, announced today that Terry Schopfer has been appointed Sales Manager for San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Dallas Fort Worth metroplex, northeastern...
Jeff Walters

Changer Services Names Jeff Walters Upper Mideast Sales Manager

March 10, 2014
Changer Services President Mark Stolley announced Jeff Walters has been appointed sales manager for the upper Mideast. Stolley said in a prepared statement, “During Jeff’s 11 ...

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