On Monday, Sept.19, 2011 Google launched its long-awaited and much-anticipated Google Wallet.
Here’s what is known, according to www.pymnts.com:
- Users must have a Sprint Nexus S 4G phone to get it.
- Users must have a Citi MasterCard or Google Prepaid card to actually use it to pay for stuff. In order to put those cards in your Google Wallet, you have to download the Android wallet application.
- Right this very minute, users can use Google Wallet at selected Toys"R"Us, Jamba Juice, OfficeMax and American Eagle Outfitters (those are configured with something called Google Single Tap), as well as Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Champs Sports, Coca-Cola, Jack in the Box, Sunoco, Sports Authority, Radio Shack, CVS and Duane Reade (all MasterCard PayPass locations).
- Google Offers is only enabled at Google Single Tap locations.
Here’s what is still to be determined:
- When the other participating retailers will be activated and whether they will be PayPass or Google Single Tap enabled. Presumably, Google Single Tap are those merchants that Google is subsidizing to install NFC readers and enabling merchant offers to be driven and redeemed via that interface.
- When Visa cards can be added to Google’s Wallet. Although Visas granted Google a worldwide license for use of its PayWave technology so that Visa cards can work in those wallets, it’s not clear from the press accounts when we can expect to see that happen.
- When other handsets will be enabled, and by other handsets, such as Motorola as well as Samsung, HTC, etc.
- If and when Offers will be extended to PayPass locations.
- How consumers and merchants will like it.
- What V.2 will look like. Executives hinted that more features and functions are on the horizon.