Pop’ums offers a twist on pretzels with popcorn

Dec. 11, 2024
Combining “the munchability of popcorn and the crispy crunch of pretzels,” Snack Factory’s Pop'ums offer snack appeal with distinct shapes, textures and flavors.

Combining “the munchability of popcorn and the crispy crunch of pretzels,” Snack Factory’s Pop'ums offer snack appeal with distinct shapes, textures and flavors.

Responding to trends such as millennials looking for new types of salty snacks1 and increasing demand for unique textures in snacking2, Snack Factory was inspired to create Pop’ums. The baked snack was inspired by the shape of popcorn and was designed to hold flavor for ultimate snacking satisfaction. They are offered in three flavors:

  • White Cheddar — Made with real cheddar cheese for a classic taste.
  • Golden Mustard BBQ — Tangy, smoky and a bit peppery for a blast of BBQ goodness.
  • Sea Salt — Pairing sea salt and buttery flavor for a simply satisfying pop of flavor.

Pop'ums are packaged in a resealable bag.


1. SNAC International's 2024 State of the Industry Report
2. Food Dive

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