Due North’s Minus Forty – Reliable, stylish coolers with an emphasis on technological integration
At the 2023 NAMA Show in Atlanta, a compelling new reason to choose Minus Forty emerged, as its coolers were on display, connected to seven different technology products.
With a longstanding reputation for reliability and style, it is not surprising that Due North is the micro market cooler and freezer of choice for Canteen, Fixturelite, Translucent, US Connect and many USG members. The company’s Minus Forty line of products has established itself as the best-of-breed when it comes to micro market refrigeration. Now, technological integration has emerged as another good reason for operators to work with Due North.
Lowest cost of ownership
“People who choose to buy Minus Forty coolers and freezers, they know they are investing in a higher quality product,” said Randy Skyba, vice president of sales and marketing at Due North. “What we hear from operators is that our products have the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry because we engineer our coolers and freezers for simplicity, durability and longevity. It makes sense for retail business owners to buy equipment that saves them money over the lifetime of the merchandiser.”
Skyba explained that a multitude of engineering features ultimately led to the industry’s highest quality coolers and freezers. “The doors, the compressor, the condenser, the electronics, the illumination – everything we do is built in unison to develop one very solid product.”
Steve Closser: “They have the best coolers on the market”
One of the industry’s leading micro market consultants, Steve Closser from Translucent, offers a strong endorsement of Minus Forty products. “They have the best coolers on the market,” said Closser, who also noted that because they are all on wheels, they are easy to move and install. “The units look spectacular, and they only draw 2 amps each, so they easily meet green standards, which is an important issue in many locations. Minus Forty is the only cooler we use for our clients,” he said.
Spectacular-looking coolers are becoming increasingly important to decision-makers today, as micro markets are part of breakrooms that are designed to be a destination. “When you go to a grocery store or a major convenience store, you don’t see three different types of coolers in a bank of equipment,” Skyba said. “That’s exactly what we see happening in some micro market locations, where the coolers are basically thrown together – a couple used coolers, a bottling company cooler – that just doesn’t work in quality locations.”
Skyba points out that the leading operators who work with Minus Forty have a clear understanding of how important aesthetics are in a micro market today. “Everything should have a uniform, planned look – from the cabinetry to the fixtures, to the coolers,” he said. “That look is appealing to the client and to those who are using the market. The most successful operators understand that.”
Steve Orlando: “Our choice is Minus Forty”
Steve Orlando, an experienced operator of 10 years who co-founded Fixturelite, a leading supplier of micro market retail displays, seating and design features, has been a big fan of Minus Forty for years. “Our choice is Minus Forty because they manufacture the best cooler and freezer merchandisers on the market,” said Orlando. “Shortcuts on coolers and freezers result in an inconsistent look and an unprofessional appearance. If an operator wants to land great accounts and keep them, it makes sense to invest in quality equipment, especially from a design standpoint.”
Reliability and performance
While the attractive design of Minus Forty coolers and freezers is certainly a defining characteristic, reliability and performance have been a key trait of the brand. Skyba said he always asks one question to operators who are weighing their cooler and freeze choices. “What business do you want to be in? The food and beverage business or the freezer business?” Skyba notes that when an operator chooses the reliability and low cost of operation that comes with the Minus Forty brand, they can focus on selling food and beverages, not dealing with refrigeration headaches.
Smart Connect IoT
Skyba and his team at Due North were thrilled with the reaction from operators to the wide variety of technology that was connected to Minus Forty coolers and freezers at the 2023 NAMA Show. “Technological integration is an important focus for us right now and that was on display for everyone to see at the NAMA Show this year,” Skyba said. “No other cooler brand had seven different forms of technology integrating with their equipment. We integrate with every technology leader in the convenience services industry. Our Smart Connect IOT software makes it happen.”
Smart Connect allows internet access to Minus Forty equipment, providing full remote access for an operator. “They can set the temperature, check the temperature, check the status of the evaporator, see how many door openings have occurred and remotely lock or unlock a door,” Skyba said. “Most importantly, if there is a high temperature alert, the operator gets an email or a text telling them to check on the status of the equipment.”
Sleep better at night
Skyba said he loves to hear from operators who tell him that because of the technology and reliability that comes with Minus Forty coolers and freezers, they sleep better at night. “When you are dealing with perishable products, there is plenty to lose sleep over, from food safety to product loss,” Skyba said. “That’s why the most successful operators in the business choose Minus Forty and ultimately, enjoy both peace of mind and the lowest cost of ownership of any coolers on the market.”
Skyba wants operators to know that his team is anxious to work with them to “re-imagine retail refrigeration.” For more information, visit www.duenorth.com or call 1.800.800.5706.
Bob Tullio is a content specialist, speaker, sales trainer, consultant and contributing editor of Automatic Merchandiser/VendingMarketWatch.com. He advises entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business from the ground up and specializes in helping suppliers connect with operators in the convenience services industry – coffee service, vending, micro markets and pantry service specifically.
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Tullio delivers this promise to any company that hires him for a 30-minute or 1-hour Zoom call: "One short session with me will elevate the performance of your sales team.”

Bob Tullio
Bob Tullio is a content specialist, speaker, sales trainer, consultant and contributing editor of Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com. He advises entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business from the ground up. He specializes in helping suppliers connect with operators in the convenience services industry — coffee service, vending, micro markets and pantry service specifically. He can be reached at 818-261-1758 and [email protected]. Tullio welcomes your feedback.
Subscribe to Automatic Merchandiser’s new podcast, Vending & OCS Nation, which Tullio hosts. Each episode is designed to make your business more profitable.