Podcast: At the right place, at the right time, with the right idea: Jim Brinton's journey

March 18, 2025
Jim Brinton brought the micro market to convenience services. Some operators have told him that he not only transformed the industry but also saved it.

Jim Brinton introduced the micro market to convenience services. Some operators have told him that he not only transformed the industry but also saved it.

In recent episodes of Vending & OCS Nation, the podcast for the convenience services industry, we have been focusing on recently is industry giants – movers and shakers, including Matthew Marsh of First Class Vending and Judson Kleinman of Corporate Essentials. Jim Brinton is in that “industry giant” category as both an operator and a supplier.

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There are many great stories in the convenience services industry. In this episode and the next, you will hear one of the best — the story of Jim Brinton of Evergreen Refreshments and, of course, Avanti Markets. He has truly revolutionized our industry. He introduced the micro market, the start of unattended retail.

In this episode, host Bob Tullio talks to Jim about his journey, how he became an operator and how his desire to find something better than vending drove him to become a major industry innovator. 

Key takeaways from this episode

Innovation and resilience are needed to thrive in the vending and micro market space.

  • Jim Brinton changed the vending industry by pioneering the micro market concept through Avanti Markets, shaping the future of unattended retail.
  •  His journey began as a teenager selling sodas at his father’s business, where he quickly realized that vending machines were necessary to prevent product loss.

  • Frustrated with traditional vending limitations, Brinton used barcode technology to improve customer experience and efficiency, leading to the launch of Avanti Markets in 2009 and the first micro markets.

  • Many operators initially doubted the micro market concept, but over time, its success proved transformative.

  • Brinton led Avanti until its merger with 365 Retail Markets.
  • Full-Circle: The industry has shifted from vending machines to open product displays and now back to controlled access solutions, demonstrating continuous adaptation.

No time to listen? Prefer to read? Here is an edited podcast transcript:

Bob Tullio: You grew up in Seattle, attended the University of Puget Sound. Are you a Seattle guy through and through?

Jim Brinton: Absolutely. I’ve spent my entire life in Seattle. My roots and family are very, very deep in Seattle. It’s been the place where I’ve been fortunate to raise a family and grow a business, and it’s my home.

Bob Tullio: You show your career starting with Evergreen Vending [now Evergreen Refreshments] in 1976. Was that right out of school?

Jim Brinton: Well, actually, that was the official day I chose in 1976. April 1 is the official launch day of my business in 1976, but I actually started in the vending business in about 1974 while I was still about 15 years old. I started the endeavor into what today might be, you know, automated retail, but it was far from automated when I first started.

But I had to choose a line in the sand [to start officially start my business]. I graduated from high school in June of 76, so right before my graduation from high school, I put the stake in the sand and said, “This is the official start of my business.”

Bob Tullio: Tell me a little bit about that journey. How did it come about? How was the experience for you?

Jim Brinton: Oh, it was fun. I kind of created — you know, I tell people — a monster, that has been out of control at times and been in control at times over the next almost 50 years.

My dad had an automotive part resale manufacturing type business, mainly dealing in friction materials in the Seattle area. And, in junior high, I started working there as a shop help, mainly cleaning and doing some of the other jobs that no one else wanted to do. A hot dusty environment.

And I thought, “Hey, I wonder if I could buy sodas and put them in the refrigerator here at work, and make a little money selling them to the employees?” And that’s exactly what I did. And it worked on the days that I was there.

But when I was not, I started to get some IOUs, some missing products without payment, and that’s what led me to believe and say, “Well, what I really need is a vending machine that has items behind locked doors.”

And that’s what I did. I purchased my first can vending machine and placed it in my dad’s business.

Bob Tullio: You found out right then and there that the honor box doesn’t work.

Jim Brinton: That’s exactly it — I did in fact.

It was right when cans had gone from a steel-rim bottom to the aluminum can. and these stacker machines would sometimes jackpot additional products. So, I had my fun right out of the gate, and my brother who worked at the front desk where the machine was always having to rescue the extra product that it gave out and say, “Hey, that’s my brother’s machine! You can’t take those extra cans. You only paid for one!” Anyway, that launched kind of my very first vending machine.

And then soon after, I got my driver’s license and became a driver, dropping off parts for my dad in his business. As I dropped off parts in these different businesses, I would always ask, “Hey, do you have a place to purchase a soda or get a candy bar?” And they said, “No, I wish we did.” And I’d said, “Well, let me put a machine in here for you.”

And that’s how I grew my first route.

Bob Tullio: That’s wild. So, you obviously had an entrepreneurial spirit from the beginning.

Jim Brinton: I did, in fact.

Bob Tullio: That’s great. Now, we’re going to fast forward. Obviously, you built the company Evergreen. Fast forward to Avanti Markets. Tell me about that journey from the beginning to the sale to 365 Retail Markets.

About the Author

Bob Tullio

Bob Tullio is a content specialist, speaker, sales trainer, consultant and contributing editor of Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com. He advises entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business from the ground up. He specializes in helping suppliers connect with operators in the convenience services industry — coffee service, vending, micro markets and pantry service specifically. He can be reached at 818-261-1758 and [email protected]. Tullio welcomes your feedback.

Subscribe to Automatic Merchandiser’s new podcast, Vending & OCS Nation, which Tullio hosts. Each episode is designed to make your business more profitable.



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