New Nutrition Business, a nutrition information resource, recently released a 25-page report on the growth prospects for healthy vending products which claims healthy vending is, after false starts, beginning to take off in the U.S. The report examines 10 healthy vending companies and claims healthy vending is growing in double digits. For information, visit:
Editor’s Insight: This report claims that sales of products with a health connotation are increasing faster than other products, a contention that most vending operators would dispute.
This doesn’t mean the report has no value to vending operators; it claims to offer a case study in which a company making healthy products succeeded in the vending channel. The report mentions several dedicated healthy vending companies that have gained placements by promoting “better for you” products. It will be interesting to see how many of these companies are still in business a year from now. Or if they continue to exist as dedicated healthy vending companies. 08-02-11 by Elliot Maras