Signifi Solutions Offers Video Game Vending Machine

May 8, 2013

Signifi Solutions has launched a new video game vending kiosk called the 'Gamer Spot Shop' where consumers can rent and purchase video games.

“If traditional retailers are going to compete with on-line retailers, they have to rethink their business model," said Shamira Jaffer, CEO of Signifi Solutions in a prepared statement. "Key strategies must include decreasing costs, empowering customers and reducing dependence on staff."

According to Signifi, retailers currently spend enormous resources and space to sell video games. An intelligent automated retail solution provides better control over inventory and reduces manpower and space requirements. Also, the Gamer’s touchscreen offers an intuitive way to flip through titles, hunting for new games or buying old favorites. Customers can browse, check out and collect their games in seconds. They can also pre-pay and reserve online, guaranteeing priority pick-up at the Gamer for new game releases.

In effect, the touchscreen acts as a virtual salesperson, empowering the customer while reducing dependency on staff. The data collected gives retailers instant sales figures and trends, telling them when they need to stock, what titles are particularly hot, and which ones are losing traction. “This creates a rich information bank that will let you know what kind of games you should buy for any particular kiosk, in any location you might have,” said Signifi’s Tom Hall. “You are able to track all kinds of movement in shifts in the gaming realm. You can’t put a dollar figure on the value of that kind of data. It gives a significant edge in the market.”