NAMA Achieves 100 Percent Support From Board For Position For Growth Strategy, Challenges Operators To Contribute

March 8, 2013

On the heels of achieving commitments totaling nearly $4.5 million, NAMA, the association for the U.S. vending and refreshment services industry, announces another major milestone for the Positioning for Growth (PFG) campaign: 100 percent participation in the campaign from the board of directors.

“The significance of this lies in the fact that there is complete solidarity behind the campaign, by the entire board of directors – all 31 of us,” said Mark Dieffenbach, NAMA board chairman, in a prepared statement. “There is a unified commitment to NAMA’s vision to drive industry growth and to maximize the opportunities in front of us.”

Among the board’s most enthusiastic supporters are its sixteen operator members, who believe strongly in the importance of broad operator participation to ensure the campaign reaches its fundraising goal, but most importantly, sends a strong message to NAMA’s supplier community.

“NAMA has been fortunate to be able to rely on the generous support of our supplier members to fund key organizational initiatives, but now is the time for operators to step up and acknowledge their role in charting the industry’s future,” said Marc Whitener, NAMA board member and PFG national steering committee co-chair. “The campaign is an ideal mechanism in which to do so, because operators can be assured that the funds will be directed to key initiatives that will impact their business directly.”

As a result, the NAMA board of directors has implemented an operator challenge, with the goal of reaching 100 percent participation by the 2013 OneShow.

“While we know it’s an ambitious goal, we only asking operators to give what they can. Contributions will be accepted in any amount and can be paid incrementally over the next five years, which makes giving more palatable for most of us,” added Whitener.

While the campaign plans to make a big push for participation at the upcoming OneShow in Las Vegas, fellow board members and campaign supporters encourage operators to commit early. “Not only is making your commitment online easy, but it will enable NAMA to begin capitalizing on your investment sooner. It will also ensure that your company will be publically recognized at the OneShow,” said Vic Pemberton, NAMA board member.

NAMA members can make their campaign contribution online at or by calling the NAMA campaign office at (312) 346-0370 ext. 224. The foundation of the National Automatic Merchandising Association is a tax exempt 501(c) 3 organization and all contributions are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $34.9 billion US convenience services industry. With nearly 1,000 member companies — including many of the world’s most...