A 2015 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) edict requires a transition from the chemical typically used to chill a cold vending machine interior to one with a lower global warming potential (GWP) score. The original deadline was January of 2019. However, in April 2018, the EPA suspended the January 2019 transition date until it updates regulations requiring phase out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), currently used in nearly all vending machine cooling systems. Despite the positive delay, there is no alternative chemical that would make the transition seamless. Jason Eberstein, director, state and federal affairs for NAMA, said, “Each chemical has inherit challenges.” (See sidebar.) The best option is using a hydrocarbon (HC), a chemical known as R-290, but it is not a perfect solution.
The opportunity and challenge
R-290 has a GWP close to zero, and is an acceptable refrigerant under EPA’s 2015 requirement. Eberstein also explains that the cost of R-290 is similar to the current chemical, R-134A. Manufacturers can meet Department of Energy (DOE) standards using R-290. “R-290 is really about the only feasible solution,” he said. “However, there is a wrinkle in R-290.”
According to Eberstein, R-290 is essentially 99.9 percent propane, making it extremely flammable. This means not only does the refrigeration system need to be reengineered, and tested, but other systems such as the vend motors for spirals also need to be recrafted to prevent sparks. Equipment manufacturers must ensure there is no spark to ignite a fire in the event of a refrigerant leak.Perhaps the greatest challenge, however, and one that will impact vending operators directly, is that building and safety codes severely restrict where vending machines utilizing a hydrocarbon can be placed. The restrictions are based on standards from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL), both global independent safety associations. UL, which has modeled its placement restriction on ASHRAE guidelines, specifically states that a vending machine with flammable gas in not intended for use in high traffic environments such as those used for ingress or egress. Eberstein translates. “That means vending machines using R-290 as a refrigerant are not allowed in hallways, corridors, lobbies and other currently common locations,” he said. NAMA and industry manufacturers are working to change this.
Industry input is imperative
“This issue underscores how important advocacy is,” said Eberstein, “and the DC Fly-In.” Currently NAMA is working on multiple fronts to solve the issues posed for manufacturers and operators. In 2017, it petitioned the EPA to extend the deadline for compliance from January 2019 to January 2022. This aligns with the European date and gives the industry enough time to develop, test and redesign vending machine components to work with the flammable refrigerant. While the delay was granted pursuant to a court ruling, NAMA had several meetings with the EPA to stay at the forefront of the issue and continues to work on it.
NAMA formally asked ASHRAE for an exemption for vending machines. ASHRAE refused without laboratory research and testing on the safety of hydrocarbon vending machines, even though hydrocarbons are used for refrigeration domestically and around the world. Industry manufacturers will begin a study in the Spring to better understand any potential hazards of a R-290 vending machine. The association hopes that the results of that study will influence a change at ASHRAE, and then cause UL to lift the current placement restrictions on vending machines cooled with a hydrocarbon.
ASHRAE has created a separate working group to evaluate equipment using those flammable refrigerants and they will be the group monitoring the industry research, which is a positive step, indicates Eberstein.
One last hurdle is that California is on track to require a refrigerant transition away from R-134a on January 1, 2019, regardless of the EPA delay. NAMA and California operators have appealed to California regulators and will continue to engage with them to extend the transition date or allow flexibility.
Vending is in a difficult position. A new refrigerant is in the future, but there are still challenges to address. NAMA is fighting on multiple fronts including retaining an expert on refrigerant chemicals and systems. “We are confident we have not left a stone unturned on this issue,” finished Eberstein.
The Refrigerant Alternatives, Pros And Cons
The industry is trying to find a solution that replaces the current refrigerant chemical, R-134A, in vending machine cooling systems. Jason Eberstein, director, state and federal affairs for NAMA, describes the alternatives being considered and challenges to using them.
Carbon dioxide – CO2
This is a chemical the industry has used before. The major challenge is it requires more energy and pressure to cool. That means more robust pipes and compressor are needed. Also, CO2 is not a long-term solution. It will not meet the Department of Energy (DOE) 2019 guidelines. Lastly, the last manufacturer of compressors needed for CO2 cooled vending machines ceased production; meaning that even if a manufacturer wanted to produce a CO2 machine they would be unable to find the parts.
Hydrofluoroolefin – HFO
HFO’s are approved for use by the EPA. HFO’s are a mixture of the current refrigerant chemical, R-134A, and a second chemical that together create a chemical with a lower global warming potential (GWP) score, making it acceptable to the EPA but still too high for use in the European Union in 2022 (when EU regulations on GWP phase in). European environmental regulation have a stricter GWP requirement than the U.S. Manufacturers have explained that it is expensive to produce one type of machine for the U.S. market and a different type for the European market. Lastly, HFO’s are proprietary chemicals created by chemical companies. Thus, their availability and price is dictated by a much smaller group of companies compared to more widely available chemicals.
Hydrocarbon – HC, R-290
This has a GWP score of 3, is a similar cost to the current refrigerant chemical R-134A. R-290 machines will meet the upcoming DOE guidelines. The only wrinkle is R-290 is basically propane and highly flammable . Even with vending machine systems, such as the spirals, reengineered to eliminate any sparking, which manufacturers are confident they can do if given enough time, there is still a problem of current building and safety codes. ASHRAE and UL have standards that prevent a vending machine that uses a flammable gas from being placed in high traffic areas, such as hallways, corridors, lobbies, etc. It takes years to change these standards. NAMA and industry manufacturers are currently focused on removing the placement restrictions for vending machines using these chemicals.

Emily Refermat
Emily began covering the vending industry in 2006 and became editor of Automatic Merchandiser in 2012. Usually, Emily tries the new salted snack in the vending machine, unless she’s on deadline — then it’s a Snickers.
Emily resigned from Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com in 2019 to pursue other opportunities.