Meat snack maker Chomps will open a new factory in Missouri

Sept. 10, 2024
To meet consumer demand for its meat snacks, Chomps will open a new manufacturing facility in Mexico, Mo., in 2025. Western Smokehouse Partners, a strategic partner of Chomps, is a co-investor in the facility.

To meet consumer demand for its meat snacks, Chomps will open a new manufacturing facility in Mexico, Mo., in 2025. Western Smokehouse Partners, a strategic partner of Chomps, is a co-investor in the facility.

A booming sales growth rate for its products of 206% is among the reasons Chomps cited for the investment. In announcing the new facility, the company noted that its gains have far outpaced the overall meat snack category,  which is seeing a 9% sales growth, reaching $4.6 billion, over the same period, according to market data by Spins and Numerator.1

The factory location in Mexico, Mo., was selected due to its proximity to other Western Smokehouse Partners’ facilities, the area’s skilled labor force and its proximity to major interstate highways. The facility will be the first to be dedicated exclusively to Chomps production and will be retrofitted to meet production needs and USDA certification requirements.

Western Smokehouse Partners, under the leadership of CEO Matt Bormann, will invest $60 million in building improvements for the new facility. The 300,000 ft2 facility will be one of the largest Chomps manufacturing sites and is expected to create approximately 250 full-time jobs, with workers employed by WSP initially, the company said in a statement.

The facility is set to launch operations in August 2025.

 1. SPINS, Total US MULO & Natural, L52 Weeks Ending 8/11/24  & Numerator L52W/E 07/28/24

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