NAMA Government Affairs Division Announces 2016 Advocacy Award Recipients

April 22, 2016
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(CHICAGO) April 21, 2016 – NAMA announced today the recipients of the 2016 Advocacy Awards, presented by the association’s Government Affairs division at OneShow in Chicago. The awards recognize several members who have made valuable contributions, going above and beyond to help in NAMA’s advocacy efforts.

“We are very appreciative of the active participation and tremendous contributions these advocacy leaders have made at all levels of government,” said Eric Dell, NAMA Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. “Through these awards, we recognize their dedication to the industry’s advocacy needs. Without their efforts and commitment, we would not have been as successful in our results that have positively impacted the bottom line for the entire industry.”

The 2016 Advocacy Award recipients are:

o   Steve Boucher, Canteen

o   Amy Bartholomee, Vend Central

o   Brent Garson, Vendors Exchange

o   Chip English, Continental Vending

o   Rod Nester, Smith Vending

o   Dan Walsh, Vistar

The recipients were selected by the Government Affairs division based on their level of participation in NAMA advocacy efforts during 2015 and Q1 2016. Many of the recipients have been active in local, state and federal advocacy efforts and online advocacy campaigns through testifying at State House hearings and organizing state lobby days.

“I’d especially like to thank the recipients for their impressive willingness to get involved in all aspects of our advocacy efforts because such involvement is a significant personal and professional time commitment,” Dell said. “This kind of participation is vital as it offers a direct and important perspective for lawmakers, and is a must for our industry’s success,” Dell continued.

“On behalf of NAMA’s Government Affairs division, I congratulate all our recipients on these well-deserved awards,” Dell concluded.

Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $25 billion U.S. convenience services industry.  With more than 1100 member companies – including many of the world’s most recognized brands – NAMA provides advocacy, education and research for its membership. Visit NAMA on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $34.9 billion US convenience services industry. With nearly 1,000 member companies — including many of the world’s most...