MSA Releases Social Media Analysis Software

Feb. 15, 2013

Management Science Associates, Inc. announces a new suite of digital and social analysis products and services, Doing Digital Right!TM (DDR), provided by its business analysis division. DDR helps marketers to optimize their spending efficiency by achieving the right balance between new and traditional media.

“For marketers in the digital age, few questions are more difficult to untangle than how to monetize and measure ROI on digital and social media,” Nidhi Gangwar, senior vice president at MSA said in a prepared statement. “At the heart of DDR is next-generation marketing mix modeling built on the strong foundation of MSA data management and modeling expertise. Combined with a powerful what-if simulation and optimization tool, DDR allows users to optimize their marketing activities to achieve their strategic objective, be it growing sales, driving web site traffic, increasing viewership, etc.”

DDR has been applied to a number of CPG brands and even to public service marketing initiatives. “MSA helped us quantify the impact of traditional, social and digital media on driving visits to the Autism Speaks website,” said Tony Foleno, senior vice president for research at the Ad Council. “In particular, by establishing the relative value for social media activities, MSA has been instrumental in helping us better understand how each and every media component contributes to the impact of this public service campaign.”

The launch of DDR was over a year in the making. During that time, MSA tested many different options. To ensure DDR is flexible enough to address a broad spectrum of marketing needs, MSA recruited a digital advisory board consisting of CPG, Pharmaceutical, Retailer, QSR, Financial Services and Media companies. Collectively, the advisory board helped MSA identify and solve for the pain points experienced by the practitioners of digital and social media marketing.

Based on these inputs, DDR is not a one-size-fits-all solution. For example, digital and social media work very differently for a PSA provider such as Autism Speaks versus a CPG confection product with high impulse purchase incidence or a routinely purchased dinner staple product.

“Currently, marketers seeking guidance on social and digital media versus traditional media get advice that is long on narrative, but short on quantification,” said Joel Rubinson of Rubinson Partners, Inc. and former chief research officer at the Advertising Research Foundation. “MSA’s innovative new approach recognizes the non-linear pathways and interactions among traditional and social media, and quantifies the direct and indirect effects of digital and social as well as traditional media.”

In addition to the next-generation marketing mix model and simulation tool at the center of

DDR, MSA has developed additional value-add solutions to help marketers in doing digital right:

  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting that leverages learning from the models
  • Twitter-based segmentation to target and market to digitally diverse consumer segments
  • Specialized services such as Digital Testing, New Product Performance Evaluation and others

Further information can be found on the new DDR microsite:

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