Kellogg is unveiling data from one of the largest surveys ever conducted on the subject of breakfast and the morning mealtime routine. The survey of more than 14,000 Americans of varying ethnicities, income levels, geographic regions and ages reveals that while the vast majority of Americans feel breakfast is important, the reality of hectic mornings makes it difficult to fit the meal in every day.
"We've all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day," said Dr. Laura Jana, pediatrician and award-winning author of Heading Home with Your Newborn and Food Fights, in a prepared statement. "And that's for good reason. After sleeping, we need to re-fuel our brains and bodies for the day. Without a healthy breakfast, we simply are not as likely to function at our best."
Kellogg's Breakfast in America Survey: Key Findings
- While more than half (54%) of all adults would like to eat breakfast every day, in reality only one-third (34%) actually do.
- Nearly all moms (89%) want their kids to eat breakfast every day. However, 40 percent of moms report their child doesn't eat breakfast daily.
- While nearly all toddlers and preschool-age children are eating breakfast, consumption of breakfast dips as American children grow older; 77 percent of young children eat breakfast every day, but the number falls to 50 percent in the middle-school years and 36 percent among high school students.
- Although moms report a desire to see their kids relax in the morning and concentrate on eating breakfast, many kids are too busy watching television, getting their homework done or getting ready for school to do so.
To help reverse these breakfast trends, Kellogg, which sponsored the survey, has convened the Kellogg breakfast council -- seven third-party nutrition experts dedicated to helping people understand nutrition information, and incorporate nutritious foods and habits into the diet. Dr. Jana is a member along with six other experts in the fields of community, child and school nutrition; food security; weight management; public health; family and consumer science; and boomer health.
"With school wrapping up in many parts of the U.S., many families are now adjusting to less predictable morning routines and the challenge of getting kids to remember to eat a nutritious breakfast," said Jana. "Making sure that children from a very young age are in the habit of eating a healthy breakfast can significantly help improve their overall health and well-being -- both during the school year and throughout the summer months."
The good news is the dynamic duo of cereal and milk is a leading, quick and tasty source of 10 nutrients important to growing bodies, including calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin D.(i) In fact, regular cereal eaters, including children, are less likely to be overweight and have more positive nutrient intake profiles than those who eat cereal less frequently.(ii) A convenient, affordable breakfast option, cereal helps families start the day with energy and valuable nutrients they might otherwise miss.
"Kellogg understands -- we're parents, too, and we are committed to providing moms a variety of cereals that help make mornings simple while offering nutrition, taste and value," said Doug VanDeVelde, senior vice president, morning foods marketing and innovation, in a prepared statement. "At Kellogg's, we know great breakfasts lead to great days, and we are passionate about sharing that message and helping people start each morning off right."
To learn more about the health benefits of breakfast and cereal, visit