Nebraska Wellness Council Offers Webinar Series On Healthy Vending

March 9, 2016

Healthy vending is the topic of conversation in a complimentary, three part Webinar series out of Nebraska. Facilitated by the Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council, part one of the Webinar series will help participants understand the importance of institutional leadership support for healthy vending efforts, become familiar with key strategies to providing healthy vending options including policy efforts, and become more comfortable communicating with their vendors to encourage lasting change, according to the Website.

The first Webinar, entitled Vendor Relations and Employee Engagement, will be held on Mar. 18 at 9:30 a.m. MDT.

The following two Webinars will be held Mar. 25 and Apr. 1 and will address healthy vending nutrition guidelines and promotion and education of healthy vending.

Editor’s Note: As the movement towards a healthy and balanced lifestyle continues, we will see more wellness centers/employers asking for ways in which they can incorporate healthy vending into their organizations. This Webinar series is an evidence of the trend as it is an organization actually educating area employers about how to ask vendors for healthy items, as well as understanding guidelines, etc. Operators should proactively address healthy vending to ensure locations know what is available from their current service provider.