Vagabond 2019 User Conference

Aug. 15, 2019 - Aug. 17, 2019

Vagabond's 2nd annual User Conference will be held in Washington DC, on August 15-17, 2019. This year’s theme, “Engaging Workplace Communities”, aligns with the convenience industry’s emphasis on locally delivering broader services to current clients.

The 2019 Conference Program listing all the sessions will be announced next month and like last year, the team at Vagabond plans to have something for everyone. Returning attendees will build on what they learned during the 2018 User Conference: The Local Commerce Revolution, in “sophomore” sessions and new attendees will participate in foundational “core” sessions. Vagabond will continue with the conference’s university-modeled theme and offer interesting elective sessions. Like last year, the conference will be accessible for blind operators. New this year: several key sessions will also be offered in Spanish.

All are invited. Vagabond offers its conference to members and non-members alike. “Sharing our knowledge and experience isn’t something we’re limiting to just Vagabond members. Of course, we’d love everyone to join our growing family,” said Vagabond CRO, Juan Jorquera. “Membership has its benefits, as they say. We know that attendees will benefit from this year’s conference and we’ve seen how Vagabond members continue to benefit from our team’s experience and from all our platforms’ tools. We hope many attend.”  

Cost to attend is $35 for members and $60 for non-members, but prices increase after March 31.  


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Vagabond Vending LLC

Dec. 19, 2011
Vagabond provides small-medium vending operators with intuitive and easy to use VMS that is inexpensive. Vagabond customers access live, real-time views of their operation; customers...