Le Bread Xpress, a California corporation, is a leader in unattended micro-bakeries. They design, develop and operate unique vending machines that bake and deliver gourmet pizzas, bread, croissants and quiche on demand, 24/7.
The Bread for All hot food kiosk is a unique vending solution that offers free food and accepts donations as part of a government-led effort to assist the needy. Leveraging industry...
Le Bread Xpress is an automatic micro bakery (vending machine) that stores, bakes and delivers warm, fresh baguettes ON-DEMAND. With 100 machines in service in Europe and two ...
Bake Xpress, a Le Bread Xpress micro-bakery machine, stores, bakes and delivers on-demand gourmet pizza, croissants, quiche and pastries. The micro-bakery can hold 70 products...
Le Bread Xpress, a vending machine that creates warm baguettes, rose above a baguette from a French bakery in San Francisco in a blind taste test about a dozen SF Gate staffers...