Bunn-O-Matic Corp.


About Bunn-O-Matic Corp.

Since 1957, Bunn-O-Matic Corp., better known as BUNN, has been at the forefront of dispensed beverage equipment manufacturers.



More Info on Bunn-O-Matic Corp.

Bunn Logo 10148484

Bunn-O-Matic Corp. makes and markets coffee and tea brewers, hot water systems, coffee grinders, and  granita and juice machines.

Products and Press Releases

BUNN Premia brewer for office coffee service
Coffee Service

Bunn Premia for office coffee service

Jan. 20, 2025
Premia delivers coffee fast with an intuitive touchscreen push-and-hold dispense.
Bunn Fast Cup 07 30 19 Front W Qr
Product Guide

BUNN Fast Cup

Dec. 1, 2021
Great coffee fast! BUNN Fast Cup is a high-performance bean-to-cup system featuring an intuitive touchscreen experience and fresh brewed coffee by the cup, hot or cold, in about...
Bunn Virtual Touch Photo
Coffee Service


July 2, 2020
VirtualTOUCH™ is a touchless, frictionless approach for selecting and dispensing coffee using commands from a smart phone with full access to the beverage menu and intuitive, ...
Laird Superfood and Bunn-O-Matic's Laird Superfood Crescendo Machine
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

Laird Superfood Crescendo From Laird Superfood And BUNN

March 11, 2019
Laird Superfood and BUNN partnered to release this specialized machine for both its coffees and noncaffeinated beverages. The machine is the first vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO...
bunn refresh 573388b320d62
Water equipment, coolers, filters, accessories, etc.

BUNN refresh™ Cold Water Dispenser

May 9, 2016
BUNN refresh™ sparkling and still water dispenser delivers purified, premium water. The machine is simple to use with one push-and-hold button for Still Water dispense, and one...
BUNN Sure Tamp 55db64d19e8c8
Coffee Service

Sure Tamp™ - A Fresh Canvas For Beverage Innovation

Aug. 21, 2015
A profitable espresso beverage program that delights your customers requires equipment that is embraced by staff, safe to use, intuitive, consistent, and easily maintained. BUNN...
Phasebrew Hero 10212484
Coffee Service

BUNN Phase Brew Drip Coffee Brewer

Jan. 7, 2011
BUNN® has redefined the drip coffee industry with the introduction of Phase BrewTM, a new-age brewerthat utilizes innovative technology to produce better coffee, every time you...
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Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

BUNN Infusion Series Iced Tea Brewers

Jan. 13, 2010
Advanced brewing technology coupled with a great price make the BUNN Infusion Series Iced Tea Brewers (ITB) a smart choice. The ITB‘s large tank provides 3 or 5 gallon batches...
Bunnhotandcoldespressomachine 10110478
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

Bunn Hot And Cold Espresso Machine

Aug. 24, 2009
Dispense both hot and cold espresso beverages at the touch of a button with the newest model in BUNN's line of superautomatic espresso machines: the Tiger XL Cool Froth™. This...
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Coffee Service

Bunn Twin 3 Gallon Iced Tea Brewers TB6 TB6Q

July 6, 2009
The new Twin 3-Gallon Iced Tea Brewers (TB6 and TB6Q) from Bunn enable operators to easily increase or diversify iced tea offerings. These versatile brewers meet volume needs,...

Articles & News

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Coffee Service

BUNN Introduces VirtualTOUCH

July 31, 2020
BUNN launches touchless technology that dispenses beverages by using a personal smart phone. SPRINGFIELD, IL - In light of the growing demand for non-contact food and beverage...
Getty Images
Technological innovations enabled better coffee in the workplace.
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

The Evolution of OCS Equipment

Nov. 7, 2019
Office coffee service equipment trends tend to change about every 10 years or so. When I got my first job as an OCS sales representative back in 1989, I didn’t even know what ...
Laird Superfood and Bunn-O-Matic release Crescendo Machine
Coffee Service

Laird Superfood And Bunn-O-Matic Corporation Collaborate On New Coffee Equipment

March 6, 2019
Mar 05, 2019, 10:02 ET - SISTERS, Ore., March 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Laird Superfood, maker of assorted superfood products, today announced a new partnership with BUNN, the global...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY STAR program
Energy Star Logo
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

BUNN’s ENERGY STAR Certification Elevates Coffee Service Industry

Feb. 6, 2019
Office workers want to help the environment, and beverage equipment manufacturers have taken note. BUNN is among them, as seen by its recent achievement of ENERGY STAR® certification...
BUNN is the first to achieve the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR certification for a commercial coffee brewer with its new Infusion Series® Soft Heat® brewers.
Coffee Service

BUNN Innovation Continues With First Energy Star® Certification For A Commercial Coffee Brewer

Nov. 12, 2018
The new Infusion Series® Soft Heat® brewers are the first commercial coffee brewers to earn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR certification. This certification...
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Single cup brewers

From Bean to Cup to Bottom Line

Oct. 22, 2018
As the trend of single-serve coffee machines has begun sweeping through commercial campuses across North America, office coffee service (OCS) operators are capitalizing on the...
coffee cups premium coffee iStock 498999381 59e763e7e8bb7
Coffee Service

Trends In OCS Equipment Go High-Tech

Oct. 18, 2017
For those in the industry, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that office coffee service consumers of all ages crave unique, specialized beverages. Long gone are the days of boring...
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Coffee Service

Inside The New Corporate Coffee Culture

Oct. 3, 2016
Explore the consumer trends, popular equipment and interconnected future deep within the office coffee service segment.
BUNN Facebook
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BUNN Blog: Ready or Not— IoT Technology Will Shift Our Approach To Service

April 26, 2016
The foodservice industry needs to embrace the Internet of Things (IOT) technology to improve, according to a recent BUNN blog post. The author asks the question, “In foodservice...
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Coffee Service

BUNN® IoT Technology Receives Gold Award At 2015 Connected World Awards

April 21, 2015
BUNN®, a global manufacturer of dispensed beverage equipment, was honored with a Gold Award for Remote Equipment Management at the 2015 Connected World Awards for its partnership...

Videos & Resources

OneShow 2016 Bunn Still003 5731ec17483f1
Coffee Service

Making Offices Happy Since 1957

May 10, 2016
Satisfy a variety of today’s taste preferences with equipment that is engineered to deliver great results in the cup, day-after-day. Choose Experience. Choose BUNN.

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All content from Bunn-O-Matic Corp.

Paul Endres, left, and Mike Ferguson applied lessons they learned at a large regional OCS company to launch Southern Refreshment Services in greater Houston, Texas in 1991.

To Win in OCS, Duo Fine Tunes the Basics

July 22, 2014
New tools have enabled Southern Refreshment Services in the greater Houston, Texas market to meet evolving customer needs.
Bunn Mobile Showroom 11534505

BUNN Mobile Show Room: A Fresh Canvas For Beverage Innovation And Support

June 25, 2014
Implementing a profitable espresso beverage program that delights customers can be as easy as simply walking outside. In conjunction with launching the superautomatic Espress®...
Swiss Water Decaf, Bunn
Decaf Coffee Webinar 11359870
Coffee Service

Swiss Water Decaf, Bunn Co-Host Decaffeinated Coffee Webinar March 27

March 25, 2014
Swiss Water Decaf’s Mike Strumpf will be co-hosting a Webinar on decaffeinated coffee with Bunn’s Rusty Angell on Thursday, March 27 from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The session ...
Bunn - My Café MC
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

Bunn Launches Home Version Of My Café Single-Cup Brewer

Oct. 9, 2012
Bunn is launching a home version of its single-serve coffee brewer, My Café, according to Fox Business News. The system, My Café MCU, can brew K-cups, ground coffee, soft pods...
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Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

Bunn AutoPOD Single-Cup Coffee Brewer

June 2, 2009
Bunn-O-Matic presents to AutoPOD™ Brewer, a Commercial-grade, single-cup system withthe convenience of automatic pod disposal. The BUNN AutoPOD brews up to 16 ounces of coffee...
The last big project for John Malizio, left, and Charles Chiarello was adding custom designed graphics to their vehicles to further enhance their professionalism.

Duo Makes it Big in the Big Apple, Where Quality Rules

Feb. 7, 2008
John Malizio and Charlies Chiarello refused to cut corners when launching Classic Coffee Systems Ltd. in 1980.
A downtown coffee shop serviced by Karsay Coffee has a grinder, a batch brewer, an espresso machine, an automatic drip brewer and a powdered cappuccino dispenser.
Coffee Service

Karsay Coffee Builds on its Foodservice Base to Shine in OCS

Feb. 2, 2007
By keeping abreast of a changing retail coffee market, this Somerset, N.J.-based company expanded its focus to include offices, focusing on single-cup systems.
Brewing equipment, hot beverage equipment

NAMA Expo Equipment Report

Jan. 1, 2005
Food services equipment, vending machines, security products and other new equipment from the Expo