Franke Coffee Systems Americas hires Chad Bowman

June 26, 2024
Chad Bowman has joined Franke Coffee Systems Americas as vice president of sales.

Chad Bowman has joined Franke Coffee Systems Americas as vice president of sales. In his new role, Bowman will oversee sales strategies for the convenience store channel, expand Franke’s market presence and enhance customer relationships across North America.

“We are thrilled to welcome Chad Bowman to our team,” said Corrie Byron, president of coffee systems in the Americas at Franke in a release. “His extensive experience and strategic vision will be instrumental as we continue to innovate and grow our position in the North American market with our C-store and specialty coffee partners.”

The hiring of Bowman coincides with Franke’s recent launch of its Mytico Due, an automatic two-step beverage preparation machine, Byron noted. “We are confident that Chad will help continue to drive a successful product launch.”

Bowman previously served as vice president of commercial foodservice sales at SEB Professional North America, leading sales teams, aligning strategies with company objectives, and boosting brand awareness in the food service space. He has more than 20 years of experience in the professional coffee and beverage industry.

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