Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. Discontinues K-Cup® Vending Machine Program; Multi-max LLC Continues To Sell K-Cup® Dispenser
Dec. 2, 2011
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. has discontinued the vending machine program and is no longer making the sale of individual K-Cup® packs available through a vending environment, the company reported.
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. has discontinued the vending machine program and is no longer making the sale of individual K-Cup® packs available through a vending environment, the company reported. The machines were introduced in 2009.
A Green Mountain Coffee Roasters spokesperson acknowledged that while Multi Max LLC may still be selling a vending unit that dispenses K-Cup® packs, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is not specifically providing K-Cup® packs for use in any vending environment.
Multi-max continues to sell its K-Cup® dispensers.
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