Self-serve, secured micro market can automate retail operations

June 25, 2024
Micro markets can help operators reduce labor costs, minimize theft and optimize revenue.

Micro market locations grew by 41% in 2023, as reported in Automatic Merchandiser's State of the Industry Report, with continued growth expected as traditional vending and micro market operators adopt new technology. Unattended, autonomous micro market technology from Micromart offers an option for operators of unattended markets.

The retail units are secured until a valid payment method is used and “leverage AI-powered order processing for quick and secure transactions,” according to Micromart. Using a combination of pantry, refrigerator, freezer and heating modules allows the user to customize its modular micro market.

Features include:

  • AI-powered order processing and secure payment systems to prevent theft.
  • The ability to implement dynamic pricing through electronic price tags and digital video content.
  • Remote management via Micromart Platform software, which allows operators to remotely oversee their business.

“We are excited to introduce Micromart,” said Yang Yu, CEO of Micromart. “After selling over a quarter million items via our KitchenMate food service division in Toronto, we're thrilled to white-label this technology for vending, micro market and food service operators. Our autonomous micro markets help operators reduce labor costs, minimize theft and optimize revenue, making them an ideal solution for today's economic environment."