Earlier this month, the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a new rule governing gluten-free labeling of foods. The foods can only contain 20 gluten parts per million. Food manufactures and commissaries serving the micro market and vending industry need to review their food recipes to ensure the foods are in compliance with the FDA gluten-free labeling rule.
Gluten-free products have been growing in popularity in recent years as more people develop celiac disease, a digestive disorder aggravated by gluten, a protein found in many grains. According to a Packaged Facts report, the market for gluten-free foods and beverages has continued to grow even faster than anticipated, reaching $4.2 billion in 2012. An August 2012 consumer survey by Packaged Facts shows that 18 percent of adults are buying or consuming foods products tagged as gluten-free, up from 15 percent in October 2010.