Minus Forty Provides Georgetown Hospital Foundation With Protective Equipment During COVID-19 Pandemic
Source Minus Forty
Georgetown, CANADA – May 6, 2020 – Minus Forty® (minusforty.com) steps up and shows support for local Georgetown Hospital Foundation healthcare workers during a time when personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies are in short supply. Minus Forty personally delivered the PPE (4500 surgical masks) while taking physical distancing measures, so that hospital foundation staff can provide quality care for the local community, families and the most vulnerable.
“As the saying by Helen Keller goes, ‘Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do much.’”, says VP of Manufacturing of Minus Forty, Aaron Reid. “Our healthcare professionals are going above and beyond to take care of us, and we can do a small part by helping to ensure they’re continued safety by providing them the supplies they need to protect themselves in this time of crisis.”
“While we have the supplies needed to run our essential services operation, frontline health professionals don’t and are at risk of exposure”, says VP of Sales & Marketing of Minus Forty, Randy Skyba. “They are putting their well-being on the line, so we felt obliged to give them what we have to protect themselves.”
Minus Forty, with the support of its customers, has been donating and helping many longstanding not-for-profit efforts including providing dedicated funds to Make-A-Wish, helping to grant life-changing wishes of children battling critical illnesses.
About Minus Forty
Minus Forty is the best possible investment to sell more frozen and refrigerated products. Our North American-made freezers and coolers provide superior product presentation, deliver a lower total-cost-of-ownership, allow for exceptional product integrity and a hassle-free ownership experience.