ACE Announces Keynote Speaker; Exhibit Space Sold Out

April 30, 2018

“Sand, Sun & Fun” is the theme that sets the stage for ACE 2018.  History has been made as the ACE Exhibit Space is completely sold out - 100% - for the first time ever AND it is over five months until show time!  Operators need to get ready - show registration for attendees is set to open May 1st!  Tropical breezes, warm sand and fun to be had – all while we work - should inspire exhibitors’ decors and attendees to flock to Myrtle Beach in October.   
The 64th ACE Show is over five months away and here is another reason to make sure ACE 2018 is part of your plan…ACE is excited to announce our keynote speaker for this year:  Will Bowen. 

Will Bowen comes to us with his Keynote Title: “Complaint Free Business”.  He knows that suppliers to the vending, office coffee and foodservice industries and their employees deal with hundreds of complaints on a daily basis — complaining coworkers, complaining customers.  Spend time with Will at our Saturday morning breakfast and expect to leave inspired, mindful of your own complaints, and motivated to approach complaining customers and co-workers with new, simple and effective strategies.  Overcome complaining and see how it changes your life and your business! 
Will Bowen is an in-demand motivational speaker, a #1 International Bestselling author, the World Authority on Complaining, and Founder of the Complaint FreeⓇ  movement with over 11 million followers worldwide. You may have seen Will on OprahThe Today ShowDr. Oz, Fox News, the Wall Street JournalNewsweek, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.  Make sure you plan to attend the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, October 13th to hear Will! 

Operator Registration SET TO OPEN May 1st 

Please feel free to contact Michelle or Beth at [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to having you at the show 

ACE Show Schedule - Coming Soon! 

ACE 2018 Floor Plan