8 Tips For Increasing Healthier Product Sales In A Convenience Store, Market Location

May 26, 2016

NACS recently reported on 8 tips that convenience stores can use to increase their sales of better-for-you products. The toolkit was a co-creation effort between the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) and Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab. Among the tips was creating a grab-n-go healthy section at the entrance to set the tone for the location as well as offer choices within a category to spur sales.

Here are the 8 tips:

  • ‘Grab’ them immediately
  • Variety sells produce
  • Use creative adjectives
  • Remember the convenience factor
  • Have multiple displays
  • Let your store ‘talk’
  • Direct their feet
  • Remind them

View the toolkit in full.

Editor’s note: While this is tailored to convenience stores there are some very practical tips that would easily translate to a micro market.