Ex CPI Employee Brought To Justice, Ordered To Repay $5.5M She Stole

April 19, 2016

In Ontario, Canada, Justice Nyron Dwyer sentenced former Crane Payment Innovations (CPI) employee Natalia Pouchkina to six years in prison and ordered her to repay within six years the $5.5 million she stole from the company, according to The Toronto Sun.

Pouchkina pleaded guilty to a count of fraud over $5,000 for diverting money while working for CPI in Vaughan, Canada, between March 2014 and May 2015.

According to the source Pouchkina made 32 fictitious transactions and bilked CPI for $5.46 million, then fled to Europe. Pouchkina reportedly purchased four European properties valued at nearly $2.4 million.