Reebok released a press release touting its move to remove soda from its global headquarters in Canton, MA and having its staff physically remove the old beverage vending machines. According to the release, this announcement came on the heels of a company-wide sugar reduction initiative in 2015.
"The goal for us here at Reebok is simple - to be the very best fitness brand in the world and to inspire everyone who touches our brand - consumers, fans, and employees – to reach their potential. And our mission starts right here, with our own people," said Matt O'Toole, President of Reebok in the prepared statement.
The company created a marketing buzz with a video showing an “employee” flipping a closed front soda vending machine like a tire out of the building.
Editor’s note: While I see the value in a fitness-focused company dedicating itself to providing employees with healthier options, it’s a shame Reebok couldn’t instead tout the nutritious and better-for-you products that are available in the vending industry with healthy vending machines.