Tri-State Automatic Merchandising Council Hosts Annual Legislative Day At Pennsylvania Captiol

May 15, 2015

(CHICAGO) May 14, 2015 – The Tri-State Automatic Merchandising Council (Tri-State) hosted its annual legislative day Tuesday May 5, 2015 at the Pennsylvania Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As an organization, Tri-State has garnered respect from some of the state’s highest ranking officials, and its annual legislative day is one of the most highly anticipated events each year.

Fifteen Tri-State members met at the Capitol Building, where they attended meetings with: Sen. Robert Tomlinson, Rep. Madeleine Dean, Rep. Tim Briggs, Rep. Barry Jozwiak, Rep. Martin Causer, Rep. Gene DiGirolamo, Rep. Matt Gabler, Rep. Dan McNeill, Rep. Joe Petrarca and Rep. Stan Saylor. They also delivered sample bags to 253 legislative offices.

“The Tri-State Council does an incredible job of representing our industry and its members who work hard to operate their businesses and support their communities,” said Tri-State President Elliot Teitelbaum. “Tri-State’s outstanding reputation is reflected by the countless compliments from legislators who recognize the value that its members contribute to the region in the form of jobs, industry, and growth. This year’s Legislative Day was an outstanding testament to our influence and impact on our industry,” he continued.

NAMA Association Services Director Pam Gilbert was also among the attendees and echoed Teitelbaum’s sentiments. “The Tri-State members continue to do their part to support their issues and educating elected officials about what the industry needs in order to continue to thrive,” Gilbert said. “Further, Tri-State is an organization that sets the standard in relationship building, as the legislators are familiar with the organization from its years of consistent outreach and valued influence, which is why the outcomes from its Legislative Day are so positive,” she concluded.

Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $42 billion U.S. vending and refreshment service industry. With more than 1500 member companies – including many of the world’s most recognized brands – NAMA provides advocacy, education and research for its membership. Visit NAMA on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $34.9 billion US convenience services industry. With nearly 1,000 member companies — including many of the world’s most...