NAMA Shares Update, Guidance On FDA’s Vending Machine Calorie Disclosure Rules
Source NAMA
(CHICAGO) February 25, 2015 — Today NAMA shared an update with members regarding the FDA’s Vending Machine Calorie Disclosure Rules. The FDA plans to issue a compliance guide on this final ruling within the next month and NAMA recommends members delay making any changes to meet the rule, until the guide is released.
Here is the full update from NAMA’s Government Affairs Division:
“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published their final rule on Calorie Labeling of Articles of Food in Vending Machines on December 1, 2014, with an implementation date of December 1, 2016. Since the issuance of the rule, NAMA has been working hand-in-hand with individual vending operators, food and beverage suppliers and others impacted by the rules. NAMA is also partnering with other national trade associations to address challenges within the rule, and has hosted the FDA at member locations to provide them with further education on the industry.
The FDA plans to issue a small entity compliance guide on this final rule within the next month. The guidance document restates in plain language the requirements set forth in the calorie disclosure regulations.
NAMA recommends vending operators and suppliers delay making any changes to meet the new rule until the FDA's small entity compliance guide has been issued. NAMA will continue to provide members with information as it's available.
If you have questions related to the new rule, as a first step, please contact NAMA's government affairs division at [email protected]. The FDA has provided an email address -- [email protected] -- for questions regarding the new rule. We ask that questions for the FDA be reviewed by NAMA before being emailed to FDA.”
Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $42 billion U.S. vending and refreshment service industry. With more than 1800 member companies – including many of the world’s most recognized brands – NAMA provides advocacy, education and research for its membership. Visit NAMA on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.