Successful USG Membership Seminar

Sept. 16, 2014

September 16, 2014 – Unified Strategies Group (USG) conducted a USG Membership Seminar and Technology 101 Seminar in St. Louis on September 10 and 11.  48 representatives from 33 USG member companies were in attendance.  USG staff presented new, rebate enhancing technologies and programs.  Using the recently enhanced USG website, , can increase rebates substantially.  Newly released programs such as Performance Central, PurchasePower 3.0 and the USG Order Center make it easier for members to attain all available manufacturer rebates.  Tutorials regarding the new programs were presented as well as a review of many new supplier rebate programs.

Day 2 of the seminar was dedicated to telemetry, cashless vending and related subjects.  With the announcement by Apple that the new iPhone 6 will contain a NFC chip, smartphone payment technology may advance rapidly and members need to be prepared for the change in the preferred method of payment that vending consumers may be looking to use. 

USG will repeat the Membership Seminar at the ACE Show in Myrtle Beach on October 2 and at the NAMA CoffeeTea&Water Show in Dallas on November 11.  Contact USG at [email protected] for information regarding the two upcoming events.