Dole Healthy Snacks Meet USDA Smart Snacks And NAMA Fit Pick Requirements

July 9, 2014

Westlake Village, CA (July 2014) — USDA recently published practical, science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold to children at school during the school day. The standards, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, allows schools to offer healthier snack foods to children, while limiting junk food. Dole Packaged Foods is committed to providing healthy fruit snacking solutions that students can enjoy in any service format and that meet both governmental and parental guidelines.

That Dole offers 24 fruit snack options that meet the new Fit Pick requirements is good news for foodservice operators who observe USDA guidelines and suppliers. DOLE Fruit Bowls® in Juice (4.2-ounce vending pack and 7-ounce serving sizes), DOLE E-Z Open Fruit, DOLE Fruit Squish’ems®, and the Mrs. May’s line of dried fruit and nut mixes and bars all qualify as USDA Smart Snacks for schools and meet NAMA Fit Pick requirements for healthy vending items.

For more information about the DOLE Packaged Fruit Snacks that meet USDA and NAMA guidelines contact your Dole Regional Sales Manager. For more information about the products lists above, visit contact a Dole representative, call 800-723-9868.

About Dole Packaged Foods, LLC

Dole Packaged Foods LLC, a subsidiary of Dole International Holdings, is a leader in sourcing, processing, distributing and marketing fruit products and healthy snacks throughout the world. Dole markets a full line of canned, jarred, cup, frozen and dried fruit products and is an innovator in new forms of packaging and processing fruit and vegetables. For more information please visit

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