Correction: LaRue Coffee Acquires Iowa Tea Distributorship, Not Shangri La Tea Co.
Jan. 23, 2014
Previously, VendingMarketWatch reported LaRue Coffee & Roasterie acquired Shangri La Tea Co. The news release should read the LaRue Coffee & Roasterie acquired an Iowa area distributorship. The Iowa distributor was under contract with Shangri La Tea Co. to use its trademark and business name. However, the distributor had no ownership in the Shangri La Tea Co. The Shangri La Tea Co. has not been sold.
Shangri La Tea Co. provides fine tea products to the U.S. food service and retail industries as well as selling directly to tea drinkers worldwide. It has received multiple awards from the North American Tea Championship every year since 2008 and Shangri La’s tea gardens are members of the Rainforest Alliance.