New European Vending Association market report shows industry's 2020 revenue down 31% across continent
Source European Vending and Coffee Association (EVA)
The European Vending and Coffee Association (EVA) has published its latest industry market report, providing a comprehensive analysis since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic almost two years ago. The report's data compare vending machine and office coffee service performance from 2019 to 2020.
New this year, the Brussels-based trade group has expanded its vending and OCS report to include two additional nations, Finland and Norway, bringing the number of markets covered to 24. These two countries complement the EVA's Swedish and Danish market reports and complete a detailed analysis of the Nordic region, the association said.
"While the report reveals the current and latest trends with data up to the end of 2020, it naturally has to be read in context of the lockdowns and extreme limitations placed on businesses last year," EVA advised.
The latest EVA Market Report provides data on the devastating revenue hits dealt to vending and OCS in 2020 across Europe. Other data cover the impact of continuing technology trends, including micro markets and new payment solutions.
Key points
- There are now 4.4 million vending machines across Europe, delivering 25.4 billion vends annually.
- Total 2020 revenue decreased 31% from 2019 to €12.3 billion ($14.1 billion).
- The Italian market again counts the largest field base with more than 800,000 machines.
- The overall vending machine penetration across Europe is about 200 people per machine. The Netherlands has the highest machine density (55 people for every machine) and Turkey has the lowest (1,890 people per machine).
- Germany's 2020 market revenue was €2.53 billion ($2.89 billion), a decrease of 20% from 2019; it was still the largest European market by revenue.
- Hot drinks machines make up 96% of total vends in Norway and 94% in Finland
- Despite revenue losses 14%, attributably to COVID, the underlying trends in Poland remain remarkably positive with significant investment in new machines (field base increase of 10% in 2020).
The EVA Market Report also starts a new categorization of markets into a tiered system in which the largest markets, previously known as the "big six," are now designated Tier 1. They are France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. Other countries are organized under Tiers 2, 3 and 4, depending on market size.
Also new are data on the "coffee-to-go" segment in the United Kingdom, where the concept is strongest and already well established.
The EVA Market Report consists of a European report outlining continent-wide trends and developments containing. It is 179 pages and is broken down into 24 individual national reports (22 pages each).
EVA members have free access to all the reports and can request it directly via the EVA secretariat. Others interested in purchasing the report may email requests to [email protected].
Founded in 1991, the European Vending and Coffee Service Association is a not-for-profit organization that represents the interests of the European vending and OCS industry vis-à-vis the European institutions and other relevant authorities or bodies. Its membership comprises national associations and individual companies across Europe. It represents operators, machine and component manufacturers and product suppliers.

Nick Montano
Contributing editor Nick Montano is passionate about covering news in the vending, office coffee service and micro market industry. He brings more than two decades’ experience to AM and VMW as a business journalist. His industry roots go way back; his first jobs were managing the stockroom of a full-line vending company and filling in for vacationing route drivers during his high school summer breaks.