Q&A With Mike Goscinski About The NAMA Fly-In & Advocacy Summit, July 16-17 in Washington D.C.

June 27, 2019

Q: What can attendees of the NAMA Fly-In & Advocacy Summit Expect?

A: First, it’s not too late to register — we look forward to folks registering up until the day before the event. On Tuesday [July 16, 2019] we have our Advocacy Summit, where we'll have panel discussions with different representatives from the regulatory bodies to discuss issues that are pertinent to the industry. The assistant secretary for the Environmental Protection Agency and the secretary for the Department of Energy will be speaking on the impact of energy and environmental regulations that are affecting the industry. So, that's going to be a great discussion, and we're really excited to have them joining us.

One of the major issues impacting the industry right now is that several states are moving towards lower greenhouse gas emissions, and by doing so, they're choosing to ban the use of certain refrigerants. With refrigerated vending machines, as they work to phase out these refrigerants, we need to work towards a new solution. One of the possible areas we'd go would be the R290 refrigerant, which under current regulation is unable to be placed for the vending industry in lobby areas.

So, this is going to be a great opportunity for us to talk with the folks that really are at the head of federal policy-making for energy and environment and really get their input and give them some insight on how our industry is being impacted.

Q: For the first time, NAMA will feature three members who are elected officials during a panel discussion at the Advocacy Summit. Can you share more about this panel?

A: It's a really exciting panel; it will be over lunch and will be moderated by Wes Fisher, who is our manager of government affairs, and Sandy Larson, who is our senior director of advocacy. They'll both moderate the discussion. I'm excited because we'll have three members of the industry who are also elected officials on the state and local level. They're going to have a great dialogue discussing the importance of getting involved at the state and local level, and being involved not only in the electoral process, but also in serving your community.

We have three members from the industry. Andrew Chesney, who is with Seaga Manufacturing, and he's a member of the Illinois House of Representatives. Then we have Jon Ford, who is an Indiana state senator, and he works for Employee First Network. And we have Kevin Posey, who is from Lincoln County Vending, and he is a school board member in Lincoln County. So, we'll get three different perspectives about serving your community and being involved politically in your community. And also, being able to share the importance of advocating on behalf of the industry and communicating with your elected officials about decisions they're making that impact the convenience services industry. I'm really looking forward to that.

Q: So, this would be good for attendees who might not be sure how to get involved, politically or in their communities?

A: Absolutely, and for those who may not have a full grasp of the importance of advocacy and shaping legislative and regulatory agendas. And making sure that as state and local representatives are changing laws and regulations, they have the best interests of everyone at heart, and that they recognize that their decision-making will impact the industry and the small businesses in the convenience services industry.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share about the NAMA Fly-In & Advocacy Summit?

A: The biggest thing is to know the importance of getting registered, as a key element of the Fly-In is meeting with members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill, and to talk about the important industry issues. So, as registrations roll in, we're constantly scheduling those meetings to make sure we're covering the gamut and having our members meet with their elected officials. The earlier that folks get registered, the better the chance for us to be able to secure those important meetings with their members of Congress.

We also do an industry showcase on Capitol Hill — it's a really cool event that happens while attendees are visiting members of Congress. As they’re shuffling in and out, we're hosting an industry reception on Capitol Hill for members of Congress and their staff to visit. We have an entire room in one of the Congressional buildings that will be set up with different types of vending machines for folks to come in and see how the machines operate, how the technology is changing, and to meet with companies. It's a great opportunity to see what's new, what's changing, and for our members to really paint the picture for members of Congress and their staff, what the industry has to offer. 

About the Author

Abby White

Abby White is a former chief editor for Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com.


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