VDI Task Force Reviewing MDB Standard

Feb. 12, 2019

The NAMA MDB standard hasn’t been updated for at least eight years. In that time, numerous technologies have advanced. As a result, the NAMA VDI Task Force is now accepting and reviewing proposed updates to this international standard. While the VDI meeting at the 2019 NAMA Show is scheduled for Thursday April 25 from 3-5 pm, the committee would like to have input on proposed changes as well as any additional suggested updates submitted no later than March 4, 2019.

If you, or someone you know, should be involved in reviewing MDB proposals or suggestions, please send their name and contact information to Chris Lilly at [email protected] or Michael Kasavana at [email protected] no later than March 4, 2019. 


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How The VDI Task Force Is Guiding Vending's Future

Aug. 5, 2016
The importance of VDI is that it creates easier system integration with open and accepted technology standards.
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NAMA VDI Task Force Publishes Vending, Micro Market Integration Standard

May 16, 2016
(Chicago) May 13, 2016 – This week, the NAMA Vending Data Interchange (VDI) Task Force announced the release of a new standard enabling vending management systems (VMS) and micro...