Sioux City, S.D. Area Schools Increase Lunch Prices In Accordance With Federal Mandate
Sioux City, S.D. area schools have increased lunch prices as the U.S. Department of Agriculture is mandating that districts increase the price of lunches to better cover the actual costs of producing meals, according to The Sioux City Journal. For the full story, click here.
Editors Insight: Schools are required to follow a new set of nutrition rules this month. Many districts, such as the one described in this news report, have found that simply providing healthier choices does not get kids to change their habits. Without some type of persuasive guidance, kids will not change their habits.
Hence, the nutrition rules saddle schools with an added cost beyond the higher cost of the food; instructional costs.
Costs associated with obesity will continue to rise for years to come. 07-13-12 By Elliot Maras