Chicago Vending Operator Finds Presentation Helpful On Meeting Disabilities Act During National Automatic Merchandising Association OneShow

May 9, 2011
Lee Hartnett of Commercial Food Systems in Bridgeview, Ill., said the sessions at the National Automatic Merchandising Association OneShow on the disabilities act and the calorie disclosure rules were very helpful in an interview with Elliot Maras, editor of Automatic Merchandiser Magazine.

Lee Hartnett of Commercial Food Systems in Bridgeview, Ill., said the sessions at the National Automatic Merchandising Association OneShow on the disabilities act and the calorie disclosure rules were very helpful in an interview with Elliot Maras, editor of Automatic Merchandiser Magazine. Hartnett, who serves the Greater Chicago area, said he has already ordered for a retrofit vending machine door to meet the disabilities. To listen to the interview, go to: