Customer Life Time Value (CLTV) Document

March 21, 2014

This data sheet details the 38 purchases, including SKU and sales price, one micro market consumer made during one month totaling $76.58. In discussion with micro market companies and smart phone marketing apps companies. The micro market operator should ask themselves the following questions:

  • How can I engage the consumer to purchase a "pastry and danish" every time the consumer purchases a Keurig K-Cup, not just the 4 times out of 19 coffee purchases?
  • Would Keurig K-Cup coupons to purchase  K-cups for home use result in added value to Keurig, the micro market operator and the consumer?
  • What are the average monthly coffee purchases of the other micro market consumers? Should other coffee options, e.g., Starbucks, be made available at the location?
  • Why does the consumer not purchase any non-coffee beverage?
  • How can marketing be used to increase the consumer’s purchase of “fresh food” and “lifestyle foods” currently only 4 times during this month?

*Data in the CLTV is proprietary. 


Vendingphone 11365572

How will smartphones impact vending in the next decade?

April 1, 2014
The industry needs to commission smart phone apps that are engaging and provide consumer purchasing data that can be used to increase sales and gain marketing payments.