KLN Family Brands

Perham, MN 56573


About KLN Family Brands


400 Lakeside Dr.
Perham, MN 56573
United States of America

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Products and Press Releases

Vic White Cheddar 2013 546b6eae09e82

Vic's White Cheddar Popcorn

Nov. 17, 2014
KLN Family Brands introduces Vic's White Cheddar Popcorn. Vic's White Cheddar Popcorn contains no MSG and is cholesterol free. The product is KOF-K Kosher and is an excellent ...
Vic Lite Popcorn 2013 546b6ced1a689

Vic's Lite White Popcorn

Nov. 17, 2014
KLN Family Brands launches Vic's Lite White Popcorn. Vic's Lite White Popcorn is baked, contains no MSG and is cholesterol free. The product is KOF-K Kosher and is an excellent...
Vic Kettle 2013 5457ca41b8729

Vic’s Kettle Style Popcorn

Oct. 31, 2014
KLN Family Brands launches Vic's Kettle Style Popcorn. Vic's Kettle Style Popcorn is made with zero grams trans fat and contains no MSG. This product is cholesterol free and KOF...
Salveo Hot Fries 5457be3ecc5e2

Salveo Hot & Spicy Fries

Oct. 31, 2014
KLN Family Brands introduces Salveo Hot & Spicy Fries that are baked, Kosher, gluten free, MSB Free and made with enriched corn meal (50 percent whole grain). Not only that, but...
Salveo Cheddar Bacon Fries 5457a5bf35572

Salveo Cheddar & Bacon Fries

Oct. 31, 2014
Salveo Cheddar & Bacon Fries are trans fat free, baked, Kosher, Gluten Free, MSB Free and made with enriched corn meal. This item is Smart Snack Compliant and offers one bread...
Salveo Cheese Balls 5457a48403aff

Salveo Cheese Balls

Oct. 31, 2014
KLN Family Brands introduces Salveo Cheese Balls. Salveo Cheese Balls are trans fat free, baked, 100 Calories, zero grams trans fat, whole grain rich (50 percent whole grain),...

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