Michigan Merchandisers Inc. hosts office beverage workshop

July 22, 2014
Michigan Merchandisers Inc. hosts office beverage workshop

About 50 vending and coffee service professionals attended the recent Office Beverage Workshop at the Gowanie Gold Club in Grosse Point, Mich., sponsored by Michigan Merchandisers, the New Baltimore, Mich.-based vending and product brokerage.

Presentation highlights included:

United Food Group’s Perfect Servings® powder dispenser automates coffee creamer, sugar or other sweetener dispensing.

Newco Enterprises’ new pod brewer notifies operators when the pod bin is full or the water filter needs changing.

Water cooler placements in office locations grew about 16 percent per year over the past three years.

Nestle is launching a 16-ounce shelf stable line of cream and flavored creams.

Buying brands, like Domino Sugar, keeps customers from buying sweeteners from club stores.

Government location and state colleges have made using “green” products, like Econtainer of compostable cups, more popular despite the additional cost.


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Plates, cups, utensils, napkins

Domino Foodservice

May 30, 2007
The Complete Choice in Sweetener Solutions - Domino Foodservice is known for quality, superior service and competitive prices. We’re proud to offer an extensive product line for...