Green Globe taps SuzoHapp to distribute HempBox CBD venders

Aug. 3, 2021

Green Globe International Inc., dba Hempacco, said it has entered into a distribution agreement with SuzoHapp Gaming Solutions LLC, a manufacturer and distributor of gaming, amusement and sports betting products for more than 60 years.

SuzoHapp will "roll out the GGII's HempBox CBD vending machines across its network of casinos and gaming facilities," according to an announcement.

GGII's HempBox vending machines are designed to sell high-end CBD, CBG products, including the company's own Real Stuff hemp "smokables."

SuzoHapp's initial deployments will focus on its established customer base in and around the Las Vegas, where it's recognized by the city's casino industry a leading provider of casino hardware.


[Credit: Green Globe International Inc.]
Hempbox Vender Lr

Green Globe taps Pelican Group to aid HempBox rollout

July 23, 2021
Pink sheet company Green Globe International Inc., a leading herb and hemp cigarette manufacturer, announced that it has inked a marketing agreement with the Pelican Group, a ...