Packaged Facts: Single-Cup Coffee Industry A Market In Transition
Source Packaged Facts
ROCKVILLE, Md., Dec. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Sales in the U.S. market for single-cup coffee products represent 40% of the $11 billion total retail packaged coffee industry, which also includes ground, instant, and whole bean coffee. Sales of single-cup coffee products in 2015 are up 18% over 2014, according to market research publisher Packaged Facts in the report, Single-Cup Brew Beverage Products in the U.S.: Coffee Pods and Beyond, 2nd Edition.
Despite the growth, the single-cup coffee industry is in a state of major transition. The migration of licensed branded single cup coffee onto the Keurig 2.0 platform is among the chief factors impacting the market. Other factors include a broader influx of brands into the single-cup space, an increasing gap in pricing between branded and private label portion packs and Keurig's push into the private label space, and the emergence of new brewers keen to compete against the Keurig platform.
The ramifications of these market trends will prove to be a boon for consumers. Chiefly, Packaged Facts expects consumers will benefit from single-cup coffee variety—ranging from super-premium to value-oriented. In addition, the wider array of less expensive portion packs from which to choose and the ability to purchase single-cup brews priced under $100 will also draw more consumers to the industry. Looking ahead, Packaged Facts forecasts continued but tapering growth for single-cup coffee products, with units sold growing at a faster rate than sales due to gradual price compression.
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