Despite Upturn At The End, Global Coffee Prices Remain The Lowest Monthly Average Of The Coffee Year

June 6, 2019

The monthly average of the ICO composite indicator fell to 93.33 US cents/lb in May 2019, 1.2% lower than in April 2019. However, the last two weeks of the month saw a sharp reversal in the downward trend as the daily composite indicator rose above 100 US cents/lb for the first time since 18 February 2019 on 30 and 31 May, at 101.17 US cents/lb and 103.25 US cents/lb, respectively. In April 2019, world coffee exports rose by 4.6% to 10.73 million bags compared to the same month in the previous year, while exports in the first seven months of coffee year 2018/19 reached 74.01 million bags compared to 70.89 million bags in 2017/18. While demand has grown at an average annual rate of 2.2% in the last five years, global output is expected to exceed it by 3.41 million bags in coffee year 2018/19, making this the second consecutive year of surplus.

 Although the monthly average of the ICO composite indicator fell to 93.33 US cents/lb in May 2019, 1.2% lower than in April 2019, the last two weeks of the month saw a sharp reversal in the downward trend. The daily composite indicator reached its lowest point on 7 May, when it fell to 89.31 US cents/lb. However, on 30 and 31 May, it reached 101.17 US cents/lb and 103.25 US cents/lb, respectively. This is the first time since 18 February 2019 when the daily composite indicator was over 100 US cents/lb. Market fundamentals, including reports of adverse weather negatively affecting Brazil’s new crop, and a strengthening of the Brazilian real in the second half of May are the main drivers of the daily composite price in May.     

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International Coffee Organization
Figure 2: ICO group indicator daily prices
Coffee Service

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Estela Shaddix 710197 Unsplash
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