MicroMarkets have been all the rage for years now and their benefits have been widely spread. However, there has been a segment of the workforce that has been denied the experience of convenient, fresh, healthy food at work. Historically, smaller locations (locations with fewer than 150 employees) have gotten the short-end of the MicroMarket stick. Although they were ready to upgrade from bulky vending machines, the cost of a traditional MicroMarket install was just too costly to be profitable.
But now, the rise of tablet-based kiosks has opened the door wide open for this untapped market.
One such device, the 365 nanomarketTM is leading the charge in bringing MicroMarket-quality service to these smaller locations. It’s sleek, modern design and cashless payment functionality is bringing the future of convenience services to breakrooms across America, looking for an upgrade.
Are you thinking of installing a tablet-based kiosk like the nanomarket in one of your locations? If so, here a few key items to check off before moving forward.
- Is the company the right size? Confirm that there will be enough traffic to justify the swap from vending to a tablet-based market. You can go as low as 40-50 employees; however, we’ve found that the sweet spot is between 75-150 users.
- Do you have dedicated space? If you are going into a location that previously only had vending machines, then you need to be certain that there are enough funds and space for a small breakroom. A typical small market location will need at least one rack, one cooler and perhaps a coffee station.
- Are the users tech-savvy? If the user is resistant to change or implementing new technology, then they most likely will not warm up to the device. Invest time in training the end users to be comfortable with the technology before fully committing to the install.
- Is the location secure? Check that the location is a closed loop environment. Whenever possible, address theft concerns in the contract.
- Is there a suitable network connection plan? There are many connectivity options available. Be sure that you are selecting the right plan for the location. The 365 nanomarket, for example has Ethernet and cellular connectivity options.
If you can answer “yes” to these five questions, then chances are, the location is ready for a tablet-based market.
In conveniences services, size does matter. But tablet-based kiosks like the nanomarket will give you the opportunity to diversify your portfolio and expand your business; reach the masses, if you will. However, as with any new business opportunity, properly scoping the terrain will help you to avoid making costly mistakes. All locations may not be right for tablet-based markets, but the one’s that are will benefit immensely and so will your business.