Bob Tullio Launches YouTube Channel “b2bPerspective”

Aug. 4, 2020

Industry consultant and columnist Bob Tullio has launched a video channel designed to “elevate your business in 2 minutes.” The premier segment of b2b Perspective,  “Covid-19 – Not up for discussion,” discusses the importance of preparing your employees for the minefield of coronavirus opinions in the workplace.

Since selling Gourmet Coffee Service in 2017, Tullio has been a regular contributor to VendingMarketWatch and Automatic Merchandiser magazine, with three featured columns (Strategic Management, Bob Tullio’s Product Perspective and Best of OCS).

Tullio’s YouTube channel offers insights to any businessperson who is operating in the B2B world, focusing on a wide range of topics, including business development, strategic planning, sales management, sales training, customer relations and corporate culture.

“As a content specialist, a YouTube channel was a logical next step,” said Tullio. “As a speaker, writer and consultant, I provide a great deal of support to clients who are seeking business development and client engagement solutions. My b2b Perspective videos are very shareable on social media, which can help a businessperson be seen as a thought leader by their clients – a key component of successful engagement,” he added.

In the fall, Tullio will be releasing a new online course, “Leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your business.”  As a recognized industry expert in business development and sales, NAMA hired him to write and narrate the new online course, “Selling Convenience Services,” which is now available. Use discount code B2B10 for an instant discount. A free sample of the course is available for viewing.

Much of the free content in the twice monthly b2b Perspective video series will be derived from his seminars, speaking engagements, columns and online course offerings. Bob can be reached at [email protected] and 818 261-1758.

b2b Perspective can be viewed on You Tube and will be made available to Vending Today subscribers.


Bob Tullio
Bob Tullio, vending, micro market and office coffee service consultant

Bob Tullio

May 18, 2017
Bob Tullio is a content specialist, speaker, sales trainer, consultant and contributing editor of Automatic Merchandiser and He advises entrepreneurs on...